Trace Minerals

Trace Minerals: The Human Body Requires

About Trace Minerals

The human body requires trace minerals, or microminerals, in relatively small quantities to support physiological and biological activities in the body. Despite being required in small quantities, they are indeed very crucial because they play a part in hormone synthesis, enzyme activity, and even the overall well-being of cells. In this paper, their significance to human health shall inform the discussion of definition, roles, sources, potential shortcomings, and toxic levels of the trace minerals.

Roles of Trace Minerals

Both hemoglobin, which organizes oxygen transportation in the blood, and myoglobin, which is in muscle, require iron. It also has immunological response and energy metabolic properties. Zinc is involved in DNA replication, tissue, and cellular repair, as well as the immune response. It is critical to both fetal and child growth and development during pregnancy and development up to the adolescent stage. Copper is essential for creating red blood cells, for keeping our bones healthy, and for a strong immunological and neurological system. It also plays a vital role in the absorption of iron in the body. As has been said severally, minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients are utterly important for the effective functioning of the body. Manganese can be used in the blood clotting process, in the formation of bones, and also help in breaking carbohydrates. In actuality, it is a cofactor that is involved in a number of physiological processes in enzymes. The production of growth, development, and metabolism-regulating hormones includes iodine. The selenium works as an antioxidant that can protect the cells from damage. In addition, it supports the breakdown of thyroid hormones.

Trace Minerals
Trace Minerals

Dietary Sources of Trace Minerals

In most cases, a standard diet is adequate in providing for the needed trace minerals that are present in many foods. The main food sources for each trace mineral are listed below: Spinach, lentils, beans, fish, chicken, red meat, and fortified breakfast cereals. In its natural state, red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, whole grains, dairy products, and shellfish, especially oysters. Examples of APs include dark leafy green vegetables, whole kale, nuts, seeds, fish, and organs. Vegetables, especially dark green vegetables, tea, lentils, whole grain foods, and nuts. Seaweed, seafood, dairy products, and iodized salt. Cereals, eggs, shellfish, organs, and Brazil nuts. Beef, pork, chicken, broccoli, wheat, and nuts. Green vegetables, grains and grain products, pulses, and nuts. Tea, shellfish, and water that has been treated with fluoride. 

Deficiency of Trace Minerals

Of course, since trace minerals are required strictly in small quantities, their deficiency is rather dangerous to human health. The following are the consequences of each mineral’s deficiencies: From an iron deficiency comes anemia involving weakness, exhaustion, pale skin, and decreased IQ. It is especially common in vegetarians, children, and women of childbearing age. Deficiency in zinc can lead to skin rash, hair loss, slow healing of wounds, and stunted growth. His is especially prevalent in the underdeveloped countries. Symptoms of the disease include anemia, osteoporosis, a weaker immune system, and cardiovascular diseases, basically. Occasionally observed but has potent effects on metabolic walk, reproductive system, and growth retardation. Children who lack iodine may prove to have goiter, hypothyroidism, and learning disabilities. Creatinine can be brought about by serious deficiencies during pregnancy. This may cause diseases of the heart, such as Keshan disease, as described below.

Trace Minerals
Trace Minerals

Toxicity of Trace Minerals

While trace minerals might be important, they become lethal whenever they’re present in abundance. More often than not, the problem is in the supplements rather than the diet. The following are signs and dangers of toxicity: Iron overload is related to hemochromatosis, hepatic dysfunction, and gastrointestinal dysfunction. Taking a lot of zinc may also cause negative effects like sickness in the tummy, a weakened immune system, and reduced uptake of copper. In vulnerable people, it increases the risk of Wilson’s disease, liver issues, nausea, vomiting, etc. Neurological disorders that mimic Parkinson’s disease are usually the result of overexposure, often as a result of industrial work. Some of the thyroid disorders include hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism; they are brought on by iodine in large proportions. High levels of selenium may cause stomach ulcers, skin and hair depigmentation, and sometimes selenosis. It’s possible to confirm toxicity when the amounts of vitamin drugs are of some amount higher than the norm; in this case, the kidneys and liver can be negatively affected. An excessive intake of this food causes ‘gout-like’ symptoms. When consumed in excess, the following are the effects of this food: ‘gout-like’ symptoms.


On the other hand, trace minerals, though required in very small measures, are greatly important to the body. Some of them are directly involved in essential functions that encompass erythropoiesis and irritation, immunologic defense, bone formation, circulation of oxygen, and activation of enzymes. These micro-minerals, if balanced by food and cautious supplementation, enhance rather than deteriorate overall health.

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